Technology Description
Magnetic Clarification Technology has been available for many years however the effective flow rate has been limited to Max 500 GPM. With our patent pending technology we provide system capacity up to 5,000 GPM per modular unit.
Our ECOLINX MLC System is a high-speed magnetic clarification system that removes suspended solids from water. Our technology uses ballast clarification which is attaching fine particles attached to a heavy material called magnetite along with a flocculating polymer. The flocculant is then removed with our patented technology at a rate that requires 1% of the time of traditional wastewater systems.
Overcomes limitations of ALL other wastewater treatment systems
- Relieves land restrictions
- Low overall capital costs
- Logical phased approach to new system implementation
- Extends lifecycle of current systems
- Low operation costs
- Limited Maintenance required
Modular Units: Fixed or Mobile
- “Plug and Play” solution exceeds capacity of all other systems
- System mobility will address new or legacy pollution sources
- Equipment customized to current and future water flow rates
Resource Recovery Options
- Removes the financial and environmental burden of sludge disposal
- Modular system facilitates sequential perception of heavy metals and inorganics in TSS
Additional Information:
For more information on this, or any of our solutions, get in touch with us.